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Death Metal, Heavy Metal, Grindcore

Rotten Sound

Country: Finland


The apocalypse is nigh and ROTTEN SOUND are here to provide its soundtrack. Finland’s vilest
grindcore machine’s 8th full-length ‘Apocalypse’ (released 31st of March 2023 by Season of Mist Records)

Centred around founding members Mika Aalto (guitar) and Keijo Niinimaa (vocals) and rounded since
2006 by drummer Sami Latva and newcomer Matti Raappana on bass, ROTTEN SOUND endless
stream of releases and shows may have been forced to a halt with the worldwide pandemic in the
spring of 2020 but it somehow only did fuel even more their inner fire. The aptly titled ‘Apocalypse’ is
a furious, twenty minutes plus fury of an album, eighteen tracks of some of the most raging and
intense music the Finns have ever unleashed upon us. While the songwriting and recording sessions
were spread over a long period of one year, ‘Apocalypse’ is as spontaneous and as in-your-face as
ever. Remember that grindcore has always been a call to arms and here, the band doesn’t shoot
blanks but instead has erected even bigger barricades before climbing up at its very top to throw
nasty cocktail Molotov at the face of bigotry, merciless capitalism, Trump supporters, fake news
spreader and whoever else has vowed to stir up chaos for the sake of it.